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Name: Gábor Halász, Dr.


Position: Professor of Education (Professor Emeritus since 2022.08)

Institution: University Eötvös Lóránd

Faculty of Education and Psychology

Higher Education and Innovation Research Group

            address: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23-27.

            Telephone: +36-1-461-4500

            Fax:     +36-1-461-4532


Position: scientific advisor

Institution: National Institute for Educational Research and Development (former National Institute for Public Education)

                 address: 1055 Budapest, Szalay utca 10–14

                 postal address: P.O.B. 120

                                  1364  Budapest


                 Telephone: +36-1-235-7200

                 Fax:          +36-1-235-72-02


Address: 2144 Kerepes, Juhász Gyula u. 75., Hungary

              Home telephone: +36-28-490-307

              Mobile telephone: +36-30-411-66-40


              Personal website:




Date and place of birth: August 17, 1952, Budapest


Marital status: married (three children)

Education, scientific degrees:

            High school: High School of Agriculture, 1970

University degree (Master's Degree):

University Eötvös Lóránd, Faculty of Arts, Budapest, 1978

            University doctorate (between MA and PhD):

University Eötvös Lóránd, Faculty of Arts, 1982

            Candidate of sciences (PhD equivalent):

Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1988

            Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (educational science)

                        Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2003

            University habilitation

                        University Eötvös Lóránd, Faculty of Education and Psychology, 2007


Workplaces and positions

            1978-1980, research assistant, Institute of Pedagogical Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

            1980-1990, junior and later senior research fellow, Hungarian Institute for Educational Research

            1990-2001, senior researcher, head of research department, deputy and acting director general, National Institute for Public Education

            1992-2007, senior lecturer at the University of Miskolc

            2001-2006, director general, National Institute for Public Education

            2006-2019, scientific advisor, National Institute for Public Education

            2007-2022, senior research fellow, (full) professor, University Eötvös Loránd, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

            2007-2022, Head of the Higher Education and Innovation Research Group, University Eötvös Loránd, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

            2016-2020 head of the Doctoral School of Education. ELTE University, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

            2016-2022 Head of the doctoral program “Teacher Education and Higher Education Studies (EDiTE)”

            2022- Senior research fellow, Learning Institute, Mathias Corvinus Collegium


Fields of interest: educational sociology, educational policy-making, educational administration and management, theory of educational systems, history of education, comparative education, education and international co-operation, European integration and education, higher education studies

Languages competence:

            English (fluent)

            French (fluent)


Major research, teaching and advisory activities and experiences in Hungary


1978-1980, Conducting a research on the organisational climate of schools

1981-88, Conducting research on various education policy themes as the member of the Education Planning Research Department of the Hungarian Institute for Educational Research

1982-84, Participation in the expert committee working on the preparation of the 1985 Education Act

1988-89, Participation in the development of an alternative policy conception for education in the period of democratic transformation

1989-1990, Leading a major survey on social attitudes towards education policy issues

1990-1993, Leading a major research on the impact of European integration on education

1993-1995, Leading a major research on the role of local self governments in education

1996, 1998, 2000 and 2003, Editing major analytical reports on the state of school education in Hungary

1996-1997, Leading the Hungarian team in the Word Bank Project “The quality of education and the local management of education in Hungary

1997-2002 , Member of the National Council of Public Education in Hungary

1997-1999 , Member of the Strategic Taskforce on European Integration of the Hungarian Government (responsible for education, training and research)

1997-1998, Leading the Hungarian team in the Word Bank Project “Inter-governmental roles in the delivering of education services”

1998, Member of the Steering Committee of the Hungarian “Transition from initial schooling to work” study for OECD

1998-2010, Member of the Board of the Hungarian Tempus Public Foundation managing EU community programs in education

1998-2021, President of the Steering Board of the Dutch-Hungarian School for Educational Management

1998, Leading the commission charged by the Hungarian Ministry of Education producing a strategy paper on school education policy

1999-2005, Program director (education sector), National Social Science Research Program (OKTK)

2000-2001, Member of the ministerial commission preparing a White Paper on education

2000-2001, Leader of the team preparing the Hungarian country paper for the 46th conference of BIE UNESCO

2003-2007, member of the Graduate School in Educational Sciences of the University of Szeged

2005-2006, member of the advisory committee on national development planning of the Hungarian Minister for European Affairs

2005-2010, member of the National Council for the Evaluation of Public Education

2006-2007, member of the commission charged by the minister of education to revise the Hungarian National Core Curriculum

2006-2008 chair of the scientific committee preparing the seventh Hungarian National Congress of Education

2008-2014 Member of the Doctoral Council of the Hungarian National Academy of Sciences

2009-2010 Project leader (“National education sector research, development, innovation and knowledge management strategy” - Social Renewal Operational Program (SROP) of the National Development Plan of Hungary for the period 2007-2013) (see the executive summary of the final report in English here)

2011-2013 Chair of the Advisory Committee of the Hungarian national Program for the Development of Quality in Higher Education (FEMIP)

2012-2016 Project leader (“The impact of developmental interventions on classroom level processes in school education” – four-year research project - Hungarian Scientific Research Fund - OTKA)

2016-2021 Project leader (“The emergence and diffusion of local innovations and their systemic impact in the education sector” - three-year research project - Hungarian Scientific Research Fund - OTKA)

2016--2020 - Head of the Doctoral School of Education of ELTE University

2018-2021 Chair of the education/psychology jury of the Hungarian National Fund for Basic Research

2021-2023 Project leader (“Models of Teacher Learning – MoTeL) - three-year research project - Hungarian Scientific Research Fund - OTKA)

2022 – Professional leader of the “Learning from Asia” project of the Mathias Corvinus Collegium (see website here:


Major international functions and experiences:

- One month study tour in France – studying the French policy of educational decentralisation, 1986

- Participation at the yearly Rabka Seminars on Education Sociology, Poland, 1986-1990

- A two week tour in the USA for studying the system of education governance and policy-making (organised by the University of Georgia), 1990

- A one month study tour in the UK - studying the origins and the impact of the 1988 Education Reform Act, 1990

- Keynote speaker at the VIIIth World Congress of Comparative Education, Prague, Czechoslovakia, July 8-14, 1992.

- Steering committee member, Network Educational Science Amsterdam (1991-1996)

- President of the steering committee of a major Dutch-Hungarian educational management development project leading to the establishment of the Dutch-Hungarian School for Educational Management in 1998, 1993-1998

- Member of Project Expert Group, Council of Europe, "Secondary Education for Europe" project, 1992-1996

- Author of the school chapters of the Hungarian background report on education policy for OECD, 1992-1993

- Member of the European Forum of Educational Administration, 1992-

- OECD examiner, Survey on Education Policy, Poland, 1994-1995

- OECD examiner, Survey on Education Policy, Czech Republic, 1995-1996

- Member of Governing Body, European Institute of Education and Social Policy, 1995-1996

- OECD CERI Governing Board (member since 1996, member of the Executive Bureau, since 2003, President of the Board 2005-2007, vice president 2008-)

- Lecturing at the 1998 Human Development week of the World Bank, Washington, 1998

- OECD examiner, Survey on Transition from Initial Schooling to Work, Denmark, 1998

- World Bank education consultant, Albania, 1999 (assisting the Albanian team in institutional analysis of education policy in Albania)

- Lecturing at the Central European University (Summer program on education policy), 1999

- Participating at the 17nd European Carrefour on Science and Culture organised by the Forward Studies Unit of the European Commission (an expert meeting on the educational implications of knowledge society on the European social model) of, 1999

- Member of an expert team assisting the Macedonian government on the request of the World Bank and the Dutch Government for the elaboration of a national education development strategy, 2001

- Co-organiser of the OECD-Hungary Seminar on Managing Education for Lifelong Learning, Budapest, 6-7 December, 2001.

- World Bank education consultant, Romania, 2001/2002 (reporting on decentralisation reform)

- Lead consultant in the project “Regional decentralisation of education management in Serbia: twinning of ministry of education regional departments with European counterparts” (Kulturkontakt, Austria), Serbia, 2002/2003 (reporting on the reform of regional education administration)

- OECD examiner, rapporteur, Survey of Teacher policy in Germany, 2003/2004

- Keynote speaker. Conference on “15 Years On: Educational Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe”. Oxford University. Oxford, United Kingdom, 8-10 July 2005

- Co-organiser of the OECD-Hungary Seminar on Formative Assessment, Budapest, 29-30 September, 2005.

- World Bank education consultant, Bulgaria, 2005 (reporting on national education policy)

- President of CIDREE (Consortium of Institutions for Development and Research in Education in Europe) 2005-2006

- Keynote speaker and expert. Central Asian Education Conference „New School – The space of opportunities”, Kyrgyzstan. March 23-26, 2006

- Speaker and expert. (Futures thinking and decision-making at system level). OECD/Japan Seminar on „Futures Thinking for Education: Policy, Leadership and the Teaching Profession” (6 - 8 November 2006 - Hiroshima)

- Participation in the comparative study entitled „Transforming Societies of Visegrád Countries and Their Educational Systems“ led by the Institute for Research and Development of Education of the Faculty of Education of Charles University in Prague. 2006-2007

- OECD examiner, Improving School Leadership, Finland, 2007

- OECD examiner, rapporteur, Recognising Non-Formal and Informal Learning, South-Korea, 2007

- OECD examiner, Vocational Education and Training thematic review, United Kingdom, 2008

- 2008 Rapporteur – Thematic Workshop „Policy design and implementation” OECD. International Conference: ‘Tertiary Education for the Knowledge Society’. (Lisbon, 3-4 April 2008) (see here)

- Chair of program committee and keynote speaker at the Dabube Rectors’ Conference, Hungary, 2008.

- Co-chair of the Higher Education management Working Group of the Dabube Rectors’ Conference (2008-)

- Speaker at the OECD/Germany workshop on Advancing innovation: human resources, education and training. 17-18 November 2008

- Co-organiser of the OECD-Hungary Seminar on Tertiary Education, Budapest, 1-2 December, 2008.

- Participating in the project „The Role of School Leadership in Creating a Learning Environment that is Conducive to Effective Learning with Special Regard to the Improvement of the Quality of Teacher Activity” of the Central European Cooperation in Education, author of the synthesis report (2008-2009)

- Participating in the project “Cross-curricular Key Competences and Teacher Education” supported by the European Commission, one of the authors of the conclusion chapter of the synthesis report (2008-2009) (see the report here)

- Member of the international expert group set up by the European Commission to support the „New skills for new jobs” policy of the European Union (2009-2010) (see the report of the expert group here)

- Keynote Speaker – OECD – IMHE What Works Conference on Quality of teaching in higher education. 12-13 October 2009. Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul, Turkey (see presentations here)

- Speaker - International Conference “White Paper and Beyond: Tertiary Education Reform in the Czech Republic” Prague, October 16-17, 2009 (see here)

- Invited Speaker - 'New Skills For New Jobs: Action Now' Conference. European Commission. 4 February 2010, Brussels.

- Strategic adviser - Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique. Lyon. France.

- Member of the expert team of the Supporing Quality Teaching” program of OECD IMHE

- OECD IMHE expert, ’Quality Teaching in Higher Education’, Portugal, 2010

- OECD examiner, ‘Thematic Review on Assessment and Evaluation in Education’, Sweden. 2010

- Chair of the Group of National Experts of the Thematic Review on ‘Evaluation and Assessment. OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes’, 2010-2011

- Expert consultant. OECD Public Governance Review of Estonia. 2010

- Invited Speaker - 'New Skills For New Jobs: Action Now - An expert group report for the European Commission' Second “EU-US Education Policy Forum” Brussels. 11. October 2010.

- Speaker. Educational Information Systems for Innovation and Improvement. OECD/SSRC/Stupski Workshop. 14-15 October 2010. New York City

- Invited speaker. 2010 „Post-secondary Vocational Education and Training in a Changing and Challenging Policy Landscape” OECD-KRIVET (Korea) Joint Seminar 17 November 2010, OECD Conference Centre

- Member of the European Network of Experts on Social aspects of Education and Training – NESET, 2010- (further information here)

- Keynote speaker at the Final Conference on Implementing the Action Plan on Adult Learning. Budapest. March 8-9, 2011

- Rapporteur at European Conference on the European Qualifications Framework. Budapest, 25-26 MAY, 2011 (see the website of the conference here)

- Member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Education, 2010- (editorial correspondent between 2008 and 2010, president of the board since 2015)

- Member of the Advisory Group of the OECD Skills Strategy, 2011-

- Speaker at the Informal Joint EDPC-EDRC Seminar “Bringing education and economics together”. OECD Conference Centre. Paris. 16. November, 2011

- Speaker at the Seminar on „Strategic Leadership and its Impact on Organizational Culture”. Linköping University. 30th January 2012

- Speaker at the Seminar on EU-Asia higher education cooperation. Asemundus consortium. Bangkok, 2012 April 2-3

- Teaching in the Master in Research and Innovation in Higher Education (MARIHE) Erasmus Mundus Masters Course. („History of Higher Education, regional focus: Europe”). Danube University Krems. 2012-

- National coordinator - EDiTE („European Doctorate in Teacher Education”) programme. 2012-2014 (see here)

- OECD examiner, ‘Thematic Review on Assessment and Evaluation in Education’, Netherlands. 2013

- Conceiving and implementing a research entitled “Education innovation in Japan. Curriculum innovation, school development and community involvement in education in Japan: exploring the potential of the OECD-Tohoku School Project”. Japan. 2013

- OECD examiner, ‘School Resources Review’, Slovak Republic. 2014-15 (see here)

- Lead expert in the CEDEFOP funded project The application of learning outcomes approaches across Europe” CEDEFOP (Ecorys Polska) 2014-15

- National coordinator - EDiTE („European Doctorate in Teacher Education”) programme. 2015-2020 (see here)

- Lead expert in the European Commission funded project “Study on policy measures to support, develop and incentivise teacher quality”, 2016-2017

- National coordinator of the MARIHE Erasmus Mundus program (see here)

- Lead expert in the program “The Belt and Road Dialogue on Education” coordinated by the Chinese National Institute for Educational Sciences, 2017-

- Consultant in the EU funded project “UZDOC” aiming at modernizing doctoral education in Uzbekistan, 2018-2019

- Keynote speaker at the “Belt and Road” Education and Regional Development Seminar, Xining, China, July 13-14, 2019.

- Lead expert in the program “The Belt and Road Dialogue on Education” coordinated by the Chinese National Institute for Educational Sciences, 2017-

- Lead expert in the research project “How can policy reform for broad competence development in school education, and in particular a better achievement of basic skills, be effectively designed and implemented?” funded by the European Commission (EAC/32/2020) and led by ECORYS UK and EIESP

- Invited speaker at the International Conference on “Globalisation of Professional Legal Education: Constitutional Conspectus” organised by the School of Law of Bennett University. India. April 2021

- Invited speaker at the Third International Science Forum on the Belt and Road Initiative: Session 4: Fundamental Science and Higher Education - Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) 2021.05.27.

- Leading a series of online professional development workshop on the request of the Ministry of Education of the National Unity Government of Myanmar (2021-2022)

- Member of the advisory group of the OECD CERI project “Strengthening the Impact of Education Research” (2021-2022)

- Professional leader of the “Learning from Asia” project of the Learning Institute of Mathias Corvinus Collegium (2022-)

- Professional leader and editor of the “Asia as Method” book project of Professional leader of the “Learning from Asia” project of the Learning Institute of Mathias Corvinus Collegium (2022-) in cooperation with Monash University (2023-)

- Lecturing in various Chinese universities and research institutes in Beijing, Shanghai and Hongkong (May, 2023)

- Invited speaker at the Belgian EU Presidency conference on Evidence-informed Policymaking and Practice. Brussels, 6-7 February 2024,

- Invited speaker at the 2024 ZGC International Technology Trade Fair Conference on Promotion of University Scientific & Technological Achievements Transformation  (“University-industry cooperation in the European Union - with a special focus on improving education”), April 27-29, 2024

- Lecturing in various Chinese universities and research institutes in Xi’an, Wuhan, Sanya, Shenzhen and Guangzhou (October, 2024)

- Invited speaker at the Chinese national conference on “Global Innovation Trends of Vocational Education and Training” hosted by CNAES, Beijing, 2025.01.20





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