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Main publications



·         Il dirigente e il clima organizzativo: una ricerca nelle scuole elementari ungheresi, Direzione e Scuola, 4., giugno 1981

·         "The Structure of Educational Policy-making in Hungary in the 1960's and 1970's" Comparative Education, 22, 2, (1986).

·         Conflicting Interests in County-level Educational Administration: a Case Study in Educational Policy-making, East Central Europe, 13, 1. (1986), 28-44. p.

·         "A New Educational Act", The New Hungarian Quarterly, XXVIII, 106, (Summer 1987), 49-56. p.

·         (with Z. Bathory and P. Lukacs) Il ruolo dell' IEA nelle politiche in campo educativo: il caso dell' Ungheria, Scuola e citta, 1987/8, 335-344. o.

·         Parent Participation and Educational Policy: the Hungarian Case, Innovation (Vienna), Vol. 2, 1989, Number 1-2, 71-79. p.

·         School autonomy and the reform of educational administration in Hungary, Prospects, Vol. XX, No., 3, 1990, 387-394. p.

·         (with Péter Lukács), Educational Policy for the Nineties: theses for a new concept of state educational policy, Hungarian Institute for Educational Research, 1990

·         Valeurs modernes et traditionnelles: la politique de l'éducation face aux nouvelles attentes sociales en Hongrie, in: Le Retour des Valeurs dans l'Education - Perspectives Comparatives, Actes du Colloque International de l'Association Francophone de l'Éducation Comparée (du 23 au 25 Mai 1991), No 45. décembre 1991, 59-64. p.

·         Higher Education in Hungary, International Higher Education: an Encyclopaedia, Vol.2., (ed., Philip G. Altbach), Garland Publ. Inc., New York, 1991, 709-720. p.

·         La politique de l’education face aux nouvelles attentes sociales en Hongrie, Education comparée, 1991, No. 45, pp. 59-64. p.

·         Curriculum changes in secondary education in Hungary. European Educational Research Workshop on "Research into secondary school curricula". Valletta (Malta), 6-9 October 1992. Council of Europe. Council for Cultural Co-operation. Strasbourg. 1992

·         Secondary education in Hungary, Council of Europe, 1992

·         Political Transformation and Educational Change in Hungary, in: Arild Tjeldvoll (ed.), Education in East/Central Europe 1991, Institute for Educational Research, University of Oslo, 1992, 185-203. p.

·         The Policy of School Autonomy and the Reform of Educational Administration: Hungarian Changes in an East European Perspective, International Review of Education, Vol 39, No. 6., November 1993, 489-498. p.

·         Il sistema dell'autonomia ed i problemi della dirigenza scolastica in Ungheria, Educazione Comparata, Anno IV, 1993, No. 10-11, 3-12. p.

·         Les changements structurels dans le systeme de l'enseignement Hongrois, Savoir, No 3., 1994, 607-616. p.

·         Schooling and social change, The New Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. 35, Autumn 1994, 73-83. p.

·         Hongrie: Compétences Partagées, Education et Management, Avril 1994, 46-47. p.

·         Schooling and social change, The New Hungarian Quarterly, Vol. 35, Autumn 1994, 73-83. p.

·         Les changements structurels dans le système de l'enseignement hongrois, Savoir, No 3., 1994, 607-616. p.

·         Primary and secondary education, in: Reviews of National Policies for Education, Hungary, OECD, Paris, 1995, 28-36.

·         Shared responsibility and local autonomy in educational administration in Hungary, in: Local autonomy and shared responsibility, EFEA Conference Book, 6-12, November, 1995, Budapest, 47-58. p.

·         (with M. Nagy and B. Surányi), Secondary Education for All? The Hungarian Case, Curriculum Studies , Vol. 3. No. 3, 1995, pp. 299-316. p.

·         Changes in the Management and Financing of Educational Systems, European Journal of Education, Vol. 31, No.1, 1996. 57-71. p.

·         Management of education: an overview of the international context, in: From Pilot Schools to Reform Strategy - Outcomes of the Phare Programme Reform of Vocational Education and Training, Ministry of Education, Youth ad Sport, Czech republic, 1997. 90-113. p.

·         Prospects and strategies, in: What Secondary education for a changing Europe - Trends, challenges and prospects, Report of the Final Conference of the Project “A secondary education for Europe”, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, 1997, 67-83. p.

·         Policy Reform, Decentralisation and Privatisation in Elementary and Secondary Education in Hungary, in: Paul Beredsford-Hill (ed.), Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, 1998. 61-72. p.

·         The Primary and school education section of the chapter Reforms in educational financing, in: Public Finance Reform During the Transition (The experience of Hungary), ed. by Lajos Bokros - Jean-Jacques Dethier, The World Bank, 1998, 255-270. p.

·         Hungary’s pre-accession strategy to the European Union in education, training and research, European Journal for Education Law and Policy, 1999, No.1. Volume 3, 29-36. p.

·         (with Herbert Altrichter), Comparative Analysis of Decentralisation Policies and its Results in Middle European Countries. in: Altrichter. H. (ed.). Comparative Analysis of Decentralisation Policies and its Results in Middle European Countries – case studies and synthesis report, Zentrum für Schulentwicklung, Klagenfurt, Marz, 2000

·         Hungary (a case study), in: Fiszbein A. (ed.) Decentralizing Education in Transision Societies - Case studies from Central and Europe, The World Bank, Washington, 2001, 53-71.o. (written with É. Balázs, A., Imre, J. Moldován, M. Nagy)

·         New Challenges and Opportunities for Education Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, Local Government Brief, 2002. Fall. 22-30. o.

·         La décentralisation dans les systèmes éducatifs de l’Europe orientale et centrale. in: Iván Bajomi – Jean-Louis Derouet (ed.) La grande récréation – la décentralisation de l’éducation dans six pays autrefois communistes. INRP, Paris, 2002, 175-187. p.

·         Educational change and social transition in Hungary. In: Polyzoi-Fullan-Anchan (ed.) Change Forces in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. Education in Transition. RoutledgeFalmer. London and New York. 2003. 55-73. p. (Serbian version:  Obrazovne promjene i drułtvena tranzicija u Mađarskoj)

·         Governing schools and education systems in the era of diversity. A paper prepared for the 21st Session of the Standing Conference of European Ministers of Education on “Intercultural education: managing diversity, strengthening democracy”(Athens, Greece, 10-12 November 2003 - Council of Europe)

·         Environmental education and the development of teacher education. A paper prepared for the ENSI-SEED conference  “Sustainable community and school development - Innovation in teacher education, the potential of action research and environmental education”. Szeged, 2003. Szeptember 3-6

·         Public management reform and the Regulation of Education Systems. In: Networks of Innovation. Towards New Models for managing Schools and Systems. OECD. Paris. 2003. 99-111. p.

·         Educational change and social transition in Hungary. In: Anchan. J.P., Fullan, M., Polyzoi, E. (ed.) Change forces in Post-Communist Eastern Europe. RoutledgeFalmer. London and New York. 2003. 55-73. p.

·         European co-ordination of national education policies from the perspective of the new member countries. In: Becoming the best – Educational ambitions for Europe. CIDREE-SLO. Enschede. 2003. 89-118. (downloadable from here)

·         Attracting, Developing and Retaining Effective Teachers. Country Note: Germany (with the contribution of Paulo Santiago, Mats Ekholm, Peter Matthews and Phillip McKenzie). OECD. 2004

·         Common objectives for the development of education in the European Union. In: Education and Training 2010. Conferences on Implementing the EU Work Programme in Hungary. Budapest, 22 October and 8 November 2004. Oktatási Minisztérium. 2005. 66-73. p. (PDF downloadable)

·         From deconstruction to systemic reform: educational transformation in Hungary. Charles University. Prague. Orbis Scholae. 2007., Vol. 1., No. 2., pp. 45-79. (see the whole issue here)

·         (with Andrew Hargreaves as the main author and Beatriz Pont ): The Finnish approach to system leadership. in Pont, Beatriz – Nusche, Deborah – Moorman, Hunter (ed.) (2008): Improving School Leadership. Volume 2: Case studies on system leadership. OECD. Paris. pp. 69-111.

·         (with Richard Sweet and Miho Taguma) Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning: Country Note for Korea. OECD. Paris. 2009 (download from here)

·         (with Kathrin Hoeckel, Mark Cully, Simon Field, and Viktória Kis) Learning for Jobs. OECD Reviews of Vocational Education and Training. England and Wales. OECD. Paris. 2009 (download from here)

·         (co-author: Alain Michel) A European space of competence development. in: Key Competences in Europe: Opening Doors for Lifelong Learners Across the School Curiculum and Teacher Education. CASE-Center for Social and Economic Research. Warsaw. pp. 192-217. (downloadable from here)

·         School leadership and leadership development in five Central European countries. Final Synthesis Report. in: The Role of School Leadership on the Improvement Of Learning. Country Reports and Case Studies of a Central-European Project. Tempus Foundation. Budapest. 2009. pp. 185-270. (the entire book – 2.8 Mb – can be downloaded from here)

·         Policies supporting the regional role of universities. in: Economic Efficiency and Social Responsibilities in Higher Education. New Eurasia Foundation. Moscow. 2009. pp. 124-131.

·         Organisational Change and Development in Higher Education. in: Jeroen Huisman & Attila Pausits (ed). Higher Education Management and Development. Waxmann. Münster. 2010. p. 51-65

·         The role of educational research and innovation in improving educational systems: a CIDREE perspective. in: Stoney Sheila M. (ed): Beyond Lisbon 2010: perspectives from research and development for education policy in Europe. 2010: the 20th Anniversary of CIDREE Yearbook. pp. 159-174 (downloadable from here)

·         (with Deborah Nusche, Janet Looney, Paulo Santiago and Claire Shewbridge) OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education Sweden. OECD. 2011. (downloadable from here)

·         Uwarunkowania poprawy wyników PISA na Węgrzechwpływ programów rozwoju edukacji finansowanych przez UE. Trendy. Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji. Warszawa. Artykuł, z wydania nr 2/2011. – The background of the improvement of PISA results in Hungary – the impact of the EU funded educational development programs Trends. Education Development Center. Warsaw. Article from issue No. 2 / 2011 (English version here)

·         (with Attila Pausits) Academic Leadership: Changing Environments and Changing Cultures. in: Leadership and Governance in Higher Education: A Handbook for Decision-makers and Administrators. Supplemental volume No. 01. Berlin: RAABE. 2011. pp. 35-62.

·         School leadership and pupil learning outcomes. in: Baráth Tibor és Szabó Mária (eds.): Does Leadership Matter? Implications for Leadership Development and the School as a Learning Organisation. HUNSEM, University of Szeged. Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó. Budapest. pp. 19-32.

·         (with Alain Michel) Key Competences in Europe: interpretation, policy formulation and implementation. European Journal of Education. September. Vol. 46., Issue 3., pp. 289–306

·         Coping with Complexity and Instability in the UK Vocational Training System. European Journal of Education. Vol. 46, Issue 4. pp. 581-598

·         Policy Cultures and Education Policy: a Central and Eastern European Perspective. In: Seashore Louis, Karen - Van Velzen, Boudewijn A.M (eds): Educational Policy in an International Context: Political Culture and Its Effects. Palgrave Macmillan. New York. 2012. pp. 213-222

·         European Union: The Strive for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. in: Yan Wang (ed.): Education Policy Reform Trends in G20 Members. Springer. 2013. pp. 267-288 (manuscript here)

·          (with Deborah Nusche, Paulo Santiago and Henry Braun): Netherlands: OECD Reviews of Evaluation and Assessment in Education. Paris: OECD. 2014

·         Education and Social Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. European Journal of Education. Vol. 50. 2015. Issue 3. pp. 350-371.

·         (with Paulo Santiago, Rosalind Levavcic and Claire Shewbridge) Slovak Republic. OECD Reviews of School Resources. OECD. Paris: 2016.

·         Evaluation of education at the European level. European Parliament. Luxembourg. 2016 (downloadable from here)

·         The Spread of the Learning Outcomes Approaches across Countries, Sub-systems and Levels: A special focus on teacher education. European Journal of Education. 2017. 52 (1). pp. 80-91. (download from here)

·         (with co-authors) Boosting teacher quality: pathways to effective policies  Luxembourg, Luxembourg : European Commission, Office for Official Publications of the European Union (2018) (download from here)

·         Measuring innovation in education: The outcomes of a national education sector innovation survey. European Journal of Education 53(4) pp. 557-573. (2018)

·         Book Review (Ora Kwo (ed.) (2010). Teachers as Learners: Critical Discourse on Challenges & Opportunities. Springer & CERC, Hong Kong) Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 2018. 2(2), 71-74.

·         Doing Systematic Literature Reviews–‘Net Fishing’or ‘Whale Hunting’? In: Marit, Honerød Hoveid; Lucian, Ciolan; Angelika, Paseka; Sofia, Marques da Silva - Doing Educational Research: Overcoming Challenges In Practice   London, United Kingdom / England : Sage, (2019)  pp. 89-113.

·         Designing and implementing teacher policies using competence frameworks as an integrative policy tool.  European Journal of Education 54(3). pp. 323-336.. (2019)

·         Individuální inovační chování a charakteristika pracoviště: potenciál výzkumu inovací ve vzdělávání. Studia Paedagogica. 25(3).  p. 103 (2020)

·         Measuring innovation in education with a special focus on the impact of organisational characteristics. Hungarian Educational Research Journal. 2021.

·         Who is innovating and how in the education sector? Combining subject and object approaches. Journal of Adult Learning, Knowledge and Innovation. 2021.

·         Communication, collaboration and co-production in research: challenges and benefits. in: OECD (2022), Who Cares about Using Education Research in Policy and Practice?: Strengthening Research Engagement, Educational Research and Innovation, OECD Publishing, Paris. 164-181

·         (with Khin Khin Thant Sin) Using school–university partnerships as a development tool in low‐income countries: The case of Myanmar. Journal of International Development. 2022. (open access here)

·         From Teacher Education to Lifelong Teacher Learning and Teacher Innovation: The Case of Hungary. in: Wang, Yan - Halász Gábor - Guberman, Ainat - Baghdady, Ahmed - Mcdossi, Oded (eds). Research, Policymaking, and Innovation: Teacher and Education Development in Belt and Road Countries. Springer. 2023. pp. 83-105 (see here)

·         The Birth of Knowledge. An Educational Journey Across Three Continents Gondolat. 2023 (e-book here)

·         Learning from Asia in Education (2024). In: Gábor Halász & János Setényi (eds). Learning from Asia in Education: How the West can Learn from the East in Education in the 21st Century. Budapest: MCC Press. pp. 39-62


Manuscripts and other publications


·         Governance and administration of school education in the Visegrad countries. Budapest, February 1996

·         Individual competencies and the demands of society. A paper presented at the Symposium on „Key competencies for Europe”. Council of Europe. Berne, Switzerland 28-30 March 1996.

·         Inter-governmental Roles in the Delivery of Educational Services (Hungary). Budapest, 1998 (written with É. Balázs, A., Imre, J. Moldován, M. Nagy)

·         The quality of education: reflections on policy implications. A paper presented at the yearly conference of the European Network for Innovation, Research and Development of Educational Management (ENIRDEM). Budapest. 1999

·         An education policy strategy for Macedonia. Financing and management issues. March 19, 2000.

·         (with co-authors) The Development of the Hungarian Educational System. National Institute for Public Education. Budapest, February 2001 (downloadable from here)

·         Romania Education Sector Study: Report on education finance and management. Study prepared for the World Bank. Manuscript. 2002.

·         The reform of regional level educational administration in Serbia. A study in the framework of the project “Regional decentralisation of education management in Serbia: twinning of ministry of education regional departments with European counterparts”. Kulturkontakt Austria. Manuscript. 2003

·         Education reform and regional level educational administration in Serbia. A study in the framework of the project “Regional decentralisation of education management in Serbia: twinning of ministry of education regional departments with European counterparts”. Kulturkontakt Austria. Manuscript. 2004

·         Policy Note on Education Reform Options in Bulgaria. A paper prepared for the World Bank. Manuscript. 2005. July

·         Distributed systemic leadership in Finland – the case of Tampere. A paper prepared for OECD. Manuscript. 2007. January

·         Coping with complexity and instability in the VET system of the United Kingdom, Manuscript. 2008

·         Cross-Curricular Key Competences and Teacher Education in Hungary. Country Fiche. Manuscript 2008

·         Learning, working, networking: quality teaching initiatives at the Portuguese Catholic University. A Case Study. Manuscript. 2010

·         (with Attila Pausits) Academic leadership and culture. Manuscript. 2010

·         Learning, working, networking: quality teaching initiatives at the Portuguese Catholic University”. A study prepared in the framework of the OECD IMHE program on “Quality of teaching in higher education”. April 2010 (download from here)

·         “School evaluation in Sweden”. Contribution to the Country Note for Sweden as part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes. Manuscript. 2010. Budapest

·         Skills formation – skills utilisation: two sides of the same coin. OECD educationtoday blog. 2011.05.23

·         School evaluation in the Netherlands. Contribution to the Country Note for the Netherlands as part of the OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes. Manuscript. 2013. Budapest

·          The OECD-Tohoku School project. A case of educational change and innovation in Japan”. The report of the research project “Education innovation in Japan. Curriculum innovation, school development and community involvement in education in Japan: exploring the potential of the OECD-Tohoku School Project”. Manuscript. 2014. Budapest (download from here)

·         School-university partnership for effective teacher learning. Issues Paper for the seminar co-hosted by ELTE Doctoral School of Education and Miskolc-Hejőkeresztúr KIP Regional Methodological Centre. May 13, 2016

·         Measuring innovation in education: the outcomes of a national education sector innovation survey. Manuscript. 2017 August

·         Teacher Learning and Innovation: the Case of Hungary. A study prepared in the framework of the „Belt and Road Education Research Project” initiated in 2017 by the Chinese National Institute of Educational Sciences.

·         An Issues Paper for the “Learning from Asia in Education” conference (download:



Selected public lectures


Decentralization: concepts and implementation strategies: why and how to undertake it? Regional capacity building seminar on decentralisation in education. Bucharest, 2004 February 5-6. (PowerPoint here)

The role of ICT in developing learning - organisational and management implications. - Learning for 21st century: What really matters?”. Az International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP). Budapest, 2004 June 29. (PowerPoint here)

The development of education and the structural policy of the European Union. Conference presentation. Budapest, 2004. Október 25. (PowerPoint here)

European integration and transition. Presentation at the seminar „15 Years On: Educational Transitions in Central and Eastern Europe. Directions for Educational Research and Policy in the Post-Communist EU Accession and Candidate Countries”, Oxford University. United Kingdom, 8-10 July 2005 (PowerPoint here)

Key trends and challenges in education: the Hungarian case” Transforming Societies of Visegrád Countries and Their Educational Systems. International Seminar. Institute for Research and Development of Education (IRDE) of Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Education. December 6-7. 2006.

“Futures thinking and decision-making at system level”. OECD/Japan Seminar on „Futures Thinking for Education: Policy, Leadership and the Teaching Profession” (6 - 8 November 2006 -– Hiroshima) (PowerPoint here)

“A decade of changes in school education in Hungary”. The supporting system for curricular reform” EU Peer Learning Activity Budapest, September 17, 2007 (PowerPoint here)

“Different alternatives for school leadership training” (country presentation in roundtable discussion). School Leadership Development Strategies. International conference on School leadership development strategies. Dublin, Ireland .7-8 November 2007

“Lifelong learning and universities”. Danube Rectors’ Conference. Budapest. 2008. szeptember 26 (website of the conference here)

“Policy instruments to promote educational innovation in Hungary”. OECD/Germany workshop on Advancing innovation: human resources, education and training. 17-18 November 2008

“The development of key competences in Hungary”. Seminar on European Key Competences. Ministry of National Education and Sport. Poland. Warsaw, March 5, 2009

Strategies of lifelong learning and universities in an international context.  5th Hungarian National and International Lifelong Learning Conference. MELLearN. 16-17 April, 2009. Győr, Hungary (see the conference webpage here)

“School leadership and leadership-development in five Central European countries”. Conference on School Leadership for Educational Innovation in the 21st Century Europe”. Budapest, May 29, 2009.

Reflections on the Quality Teaching program of IMHE and its Istanbul final conference” OECD-IMHE What Works Conference on Quality of teaching in higher education. 12-13 October 2009. Istanbul Technical University (ITU), Istanbul, Turkey

School leadership and pupil learning outcomes” „Does leadership matter? Implications for Leadership Development and the School as a Learning Organisation”. ENIRDELM conference. Szeged, 2010 September 16th-18th (PPT here)

Higher Education Reform in Hungary”. International Conference “White Paper and Beyond: Tertiary Education Reform in the Czech Republic” Prague, October 16-17, 2009 (PowerPoint here)

„Bringing the worlds of education, training and work closer together” - 'New Skills For New Jobs: Action Now' Conference. 4 February 2010, Brussels

New Skills for New Jobs: Action Now - An expert group report for the European Commission”. Second “EU-US Education Policy Forum” Brussels. 11. October 2010

The national assessment system and the use of individual student data: the case of Hungary”. Educational Information Systems for Innovation and Improvement. OECD / SSRC / Stupski Workshop. 14-15 October 2010. New York City (PowerPoint here)

The role of educational research and innovation in improving educational systems: a CIDREE perspective”. CIDREE conference. Oxford, 2010. November 11 (PowerPoint here)

Main policy challenges facing the VET system in Korea” „Post-secondary Vocational Education and Training in a Changing and Challenging Policy Landscape” OECD-KRIVET (Korea) Joint Seminar 17 November 2010, OECD Conference Centre

A sector skills council for the education sector?”. Education Sector Social Dialogue Committee – European Commission. Brussels. 2011.01.08

The background of the improvement of PISA results in Hungary”. Trends in Performance Since 2000. International Launch of PISA 2009 Report. Warsaw. February 10th, 2011 (downloadable from here)

Importance, awareness and efficiency of Adult Learning in Europe”. A Keynote Speech.”It is Always a Good Time to Learn”. Final Conference on Implementing the Action Plan on Adult Learning. Budapest. March 8-9, 2011 (conference website here)

Producing skills: challenges and current trends. Keynote speech at the inauguration ceremony of InnoOmnia (The innovation unit of the regional training centre Omnia). Finland. Espoo. 2011.10.05. (PowerPoint here)

“Evidence based policy and practice in higher education”. Presentation in the framework of the Socrates Arion program „The Bologna process and graduate career tracking system”. Budapest, Hungary, 17/10/2011 – 21/10/2011 (PowerPoint here)

“Governing education systems: trends and challenges”. “Decentralization in Education: Creating a Balance between School Autonomy and School Accountability” 4th Round Table on November 8th, 2011. Belgrade (see Power Point in English here és in Serbian here)

“Changing Environments and Changing Culture for Higher Education Institutions”. Seminar on „Strategic Leadership and its Impact on Organizational Culture”. Linköping University. 30th January 2012

“The Hungarian „Life Course Survey”. A presentation at the conference “Reducing Early School Leaving: efficient and effective policies in Europe” organised by the Directorate Education and Culture of the European Commission. Brussels. 2012 March 1-2.

“The European higher education system in the context of the Bologna Process”. Networking seminar on EU-Asia higher education cooperation. Bangkok, 2012 April 2-3

“Higher education reform in Europe and its impact on teacher education”. Lecture at Beijing Normal University, Institute of Higher Education. Beijing. 2012 .05.08.

“Higher education research in Hungary”. Lecture at Peking University, Graduate School of Education. Beijing. 2012 .05.10.

“The new governance model of education in Hungary and its implications for the evaluation of the quality of school leadership”. Lecture at the conference “Synergies for Better Learning: An International Perspective on Evaluation and Assessment OECD Review on Evaluation and Assessment Frameworks for Improving School Outcomes.” Oslo, Norway, 11-12 April 2013

“What the world can learn from the Tohoku experience”. 16th OECD/Japan Seminar. “Key Competencies and Skills for the 21st Century”. Sendai, 2014 February 9. (PowerPoint here)

“Linking professional learning and the work of teachers”. EDiTE final conference, Budapest. 2014.07.04 (see here)

“Complexity: the case of development interventions aimed at changing institutional level curriculum”. CERI conference on “Innovation, governance and reform in education”. 2014 November 3-5 (see here)

School leadership development and learning-centred educational policies. EdLead TEMPUS. Szeged. 2015.01.29

Implementing a post-catastrophe educational development program in Japan. Education and Transition. - Contributions from Educational Research. ECER conference 2015. Budapest. 2015.09.10

Education in Hungary: challenges and recent developments. Improving literacy skills across learning. CIDREE Conference, Budapest. 2015.11.05

Outcomes Vs. Competences. 2nd  UNICA EduLab. Eötvös Loránd University Budapest. 2015.12.03.

Measuring innovation in education: the outcomes of a national education sector innovation survey. European Conference on Educational Research. Copenhagen, 2017 August 22 – 26

Higher education in the innovation society: Central European perspectives.  Conference organised by the Magna Charta Observatory on the 29th Anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum - University Values for today: Central European perspectives and challenges. Pécs. 30 - 31 August 2017.

Higher education policies in Europe with special focus on the role of basic sciences. Paper prepared for the „Third International Science Forum on the Belt and Road Initiative: Session 4: Fundamental Science and Higher Education” of the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO). 2021.05.27-28 (downloadable from here).

Several presentations at different Chinese universities and research institutions in Beijing, Shanghai and Hongkong on “The global impact of OECD on education”, “Teacher policies in the EU” and “Policies and actions related with teachers in the in the EU” (2023 April)

Learning from Asia in Education. Conference presentation at the international conference MCC on “Learning form Asia in Education”. (Budapest, 2023.10.30-31)

State schools, non-state schools and educational entrepreneurs. School leadership and school management in independent schoolsECNAIS seminar (Budapest, 2023.11.16)

Purpose and role of education technology in pedagogical innovation. EdTech Talents conference (Budapest, 2023.12.05)

Communicating with non-academic communities about knowledge produced by research. Belgian EU Presidency conference on Evidence-informed Policymaking and Practice. Brussels, 6-7 February 2024,

University-industry cooperation in the European Union: with a special focus on improving education. 2024 ZGC Forum Beijing. 2024 April 25-29.

The connection between curriculum and school organisation: schools as curriculum designing agencies. International Symposium on Curricular and Instructional Reforms and Future Educational Development in the Era. of Globalization Shaanxi Normal University (Xi’an, 2024.09.20-22

Several presentations at different Chinese universities and research institutions in Xi’an, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Sanya and Guangzhou on “European Educational Research Applications and the Educational Knowledge Triangle”, “Strengthening University-Industry-Research Cooperation in the EU”. “Internationalization of educational studies and educational development in Europe” and “Teacher Education and Professional Development in the EU” (2024. October).

Connecting vocational education with industry: policy innovation and practices in the European Union and China. Conference on “Global Innovation Trends of Vocational Education and Training” hosted by CNAES, Beijing, 2025.01.20