Gábor Halász
Coping with complexity and
instability in vocational training systems: the case of the United Kingdom[1]
Complexity and instability are challenges that all
vocational training systems have to face if they take the needs of the word of
work seriously and if they maintain strong and dynamic connections with it. Matching
the permanently evolving skills needs of thousands or millions of workplaces,
on the one hand, and the supply of skills produced by education and training
systems, on the other, has never been simple. As this has been recently
expressed explicitly by an expert study published by the European Commission in
the framework of the community policy on “New Skills for New Jobs” matching through planning based on formal
qualifications does not work. As the study stated: “instead, the emphasis
should be on building an agile system that responds to market signals and where
LMI [Labour Market Information system] informs consumers, providers and
funders, helping them to make more informed decisions,
rather than the state ‘planning’ provisions at a micro level” (European
Commission, 2010).
Although “employers often use qualifications to
describe what they seek in terms of required skills supply and they also use
applicant qualifications to filter the supply of skills so that they get what
they want” (Coles - Werquin, 2009) systems of qualifications and matching based on
them have never been able to reflect properly the complexity of the often
“capricious” or “chaotic” skills needs of workplaces. Countries are trying to
reduce this complexity, among others, through modernising their qualifications
systems and making them more transparent, with the aim of improving mediation between
the words of training and that of work. But reducing complexity has also a
price as “diplomas seem to less and less able to provide all the information
that is required for recruitment and promotion processes” (Planas et als, 2000). There seems to be a need for new mediation
mechanisms that allow higher level complexity which still can be kept under
social control. The vocational training policy of the United Kingdom offers an
interesting example for this. As the question of how to deal with increasing
complexity in vocational training systems has appeared as a crucial one in most
advanced national systems studying the UK model might be relevant for the
emerging European and global skills strategies.
The three explicit strategic goals of the skills policy of the United Kingdom as
they were defined a few years ago are (1) making education and training more demand-led, (2) making it more
responsive to the rapidly changing skills
needs of companies and (3) letting users,
particularly employers, have a decisive role in determining the content of
supply and the ways it is delivered (DIUS, 2007). All these goals lead to
increased complexity in the UK vocational training system which has already
been high due to various factors. One of these has been placing skills (or
competencies) into the focus of vocational training which has been a key
element of turning training policy
into a skills policy. The combination
of this, in addition, with a demand-oriented, market-type regulation approach
leads necessarily to particularly high level of complexity, instability and
uncertainty (Planas et als, 2000; Struyven - Steurs,
It is therefore not surprising that, when the
information for this analysis was collected during a field visit in February
2008, the simplification of the complicated skills development landscape was a
central theme in the UK. This was already a key item on the agenda of the first
(preliminary) meeting of the strategic board set up to coordinate the skills
policy, the UK Commission for Employment
and Skills (UKCES), which, following this, initiated a specific program to
cope with increasing complexity and instability (UKCES, 2008). The main reason
of this was that the high level of complexity in the system of skills
production was seen as a major obstacle to increase employer engagement, which has been a key priority of the skills
strategy of the Government.
The assumption behind the goal of
enhancing employer engagement in the process of skills creation and skills
utilisation has been that without it any of the three goals of the strategy
mentioned above could not be achieved. If employers – together with individuals
– are not actively expressing their demands, both individually and
collectively, the system cannot be turned into a demand-led one. If employers
do not actively address the education and training system with the constantly
changing needs of the world of work, this system cannot behave in a responsive
way. If they do not show pro-activity in their role of determining the content
of supply and the ways training is delivered the new channels of control and
influence will remain unused. One of the challenges the UK skills strategy has
been facing is that although it can work only if the level of activity and
engagement of employers is high its actual level, due to a number of historical,
social-economic and cultural reasons (Stanton – Bailey, 2004), has remained
relatively low.
One can accept, as a departure point
of this analysis, the assumption of relatively low level activity and
engagement of employers in the UK, and also the assumption that the increasing
complexity of the system of skills production or VET may have a negative impact
on this. There are however two things that have to be stressed. The first is
that strong employer activity and engagement can be expected only in an
environment that allows the complexity of the world of work and production to
penetrate into the education and training system. In other words high level
employer engagement in shaping and implementing training policies can emerge
only if these policies are strongly and directly reflecting the complexity of
the reality of the world of work. The second is that the attitudes of
employers, like other social actors, are not exempt of ambiguities: on the one
hand they want to reduce complexity, but, on the other, they continuously
contribute to its growth. This ambiguity can be observed, for example, in the
attitude of employers towards qualifications: on the one hand they wish a
simple, easily readable qualifications system, with a low number of entries;
but, on the other, they wish a system that reflects the specificities of the
skills combinations demanded by their particular company or sector.
On the field we were often told by those we met
and interviewed that the high level complexity of the system and the
bureaucratic constraints are among those factors that may impede better
employer engagement. One of the areas where strengths and challenges related
with employer engagement have been identified was, in fact, connected with
complexity, uncertainty and bureaucratic constraints. The strengths identified were
as follows:
Employers can find
various alternative routes for expressing their needs and asserting their
interest: they can use both individual and the collective channels. As
individuals (individual companies) they can negotiate specific skills packages
according to their business needs, they can buy tailor-made training programs,
they can create company specific qualifications and request their inclusion
into the national qualifications system. Collectively they can aggregate and
express their demands through sectoral bodies.
The existence of sectoral bodies allows
employers to express and assert their specific sectoral needs and interests and
prevents regionally or locally organised training providers to determine the
supply side. The parallel existence of regionally organised funding agencies
and the sectorally organised employer-related agencies creates a positive
dynamic and allows checks and balances.
The high variety of
routes and bodies allows key actors to have a role in a sophisticated bargain
processes and in the elaboration of agreements on the provision and utilisation
of skills. Agreements can be reached between actors representing the provider
of public funds (the state), the providers of training (schools, colleges,
universities) and the skill-users (companies, employers) etc.
Linking the demand side
with both individuals (learning accounts) and companies through specific
programs and institutions allows a good balance between the two key actors on
the demand side.
There are many interfaces
that allow a rich communication between the education/training system and the
world of work/jobs/companies.
The qualification system
has a high level flexibility that allows the cutting of qualifications into
smaller units (credits, modules) which allows employers and companies to
acquire the specific skills they need, and creates new qualifications according
to specific sectoral or company needs without challenging the integrity of the
whole of the qualifications system,
Companies can link the
offer of training with their specific business strategy or competitive strategy;
the system allows tailor made, personalised solutions that make it possible investing
into skills that may lead directly to the improvement of the productivity and
competitiveness of particular companies.
The other side of these strengths are challenges
that are also related with the level of complexity and uncertainty and also bureaucratic
constraints. The following could be identified:
There are too many
decision making, consultation, funding etc. bodies that make it difficult for
users to orientate themselves and to define clear-cut responsibilities.
Training providers might
be organisationally destabilised by the variety and volatility of skills
demands. It is difficult to harmonise the needs for institutional stability and
the needs for adapting rapidly to changing demands.
There are too many
channels for funding training and it is difficult to find the appropriate funds
for specific needs. It is difficult to control the ways public funding is used.
Institutions have to
comply with parallel quality standards which are not necessarily in harmony.
Competing quality criteria may destabilise institutions
There are too many
documents and frames that guide the definition of qualifications
There are too many
parallel surveys that provide often contradictory evidences for decision making
The complexity of
institutions and procedures is accompanied high level bureaucracy, heavy
administrative or regulatory burden
Changes are too rapid:
institutions, programs, “brand names” often disappear before users can get used
to them.
Related with these strengths and
challenges a number of policy issues, demanding reflection and action, could
also have been identified:
This article tries to understand the nature and
the sources of complexity and uncertainty in the vocational training system of
the UK, in the perspective of these strength, challenges and related policy
questions. It is in this perspective that it also tries to analyse the possible
impact of complexity and uncertainty on employer engagement. The article also formulates
some assumptions about the possibilities to, the needs for, and the possible
ways to reduce complexity.
The basic assumption of the article is that those
who manage systems can react to increased complexity in two ways: either they
can try to decrease it or they can try to create new mechanisms that allow
mastering it. In the case of the skills policy of the UK it seems clear that
reducing complexity beyond a certain level could be achieved only through
giving up some of the goals of the skills strategy (that is, through making
education and training less demand-led, making it less responsible to the needs
of the world of work and giving less role to the demand side, particularly
employers). As the commitment for these goals and the political support for
them seem to be particularly strong in the UK, this is probably not a real
One can assume, therefore, that in this case
there is no other choice than to create and sustain new, innovative mechanisms
that allow those who are leading and managing the system to keep complexity
under their control. If this is done successfully, this may create an
environment that is favourable for the achievement of the original goals. These
mechanisms can make it possible to keep complexity at a relatively high level,
to live together with it, to reduce the risks that accompany it and to let all
those processes work that make it possible to reinforce further the demand-led
character of education and training system, to make it more responsive to the
rapidly changing needs of the world of work and to let employers have a
decisive role in determining supply. While discussing these issues with some of
the key leaders of the implementation of the UK skills strategy it was found
that they seem to be much aware of this challenge and that those mechanisms
that make it possible to keep the increased complexity under control are
already operational and they are being developed further.
As we shall see, one of the specificities of
the vocational training landscape in the UK is the very high number of actors
or partners who take part in the creation and the implementation of policies.
As an OECD review of adult learning has highlighted some years ago, “there are many different partners involved
in the definition of public policy and provision of adult learning and post
secondary education” in the UK (OECD, 2005). In connection with this it is
important to stress: reducing complexity for one actor (partner) appears often
as increasing it for another. For example, as we shall see below, reducing
complexity for employers can often be achieved at the price of increasing it
significantly for training providers.
Contrary to many OECD member countries, and
similarly to some other Anglo-Saxon countries the United Kingdom does not have
a well established, clearly circumscribed vocational education and training
sector. Vocational education and training is provided by various providers,
some of them operating within the formal education system, and some of them
outside of it. This model is sometimes described as a “market model” (Ashton-Sung-Turbin,
2000) which is opposed to others, like the “corporatist model” of the German
speaking countries, the “developmental state model” of some East-Asian
countries or the “neo-market model” followed by some transitional countries
with emerging economies.
One of the characteristics of systems belonging
to the “market model” is, logically, that they focus less on the supply side (on provider institutions)
and more on the demand side
(companies demanding skills or consuming training services) than other systems.
This has been a characteristic of the UK model even before the current skills
strategy was designed. Since the demand side (with the huge variety of
companies which compete on various markets with various products) is always
more complex than the supply side (especially when supply is concentrated into
or monopolised by a well defined public sector) the model itself produces
higher level complexity than other models. This is reinforced by the fact that
in these models qualifications are also less regulated and people can do much
more jobs without being legally obliged to have a formal qualification. In
these systems there is more focus on the infinitely complex world of skills than on the more systematised and
regulated word of formal qualifications.
It is related with these characteristics of the system that the notions
“vocational training” or “vocational training policy” are much less frequently
used in the UK than in most other countries and the dominant public and private
discourse prefers using the terms of “skills” (e.g. “skills development”
“skills system”) or “skills policy”.
The current skills policy of the country can be
interpreted as an ambitious and dynamic attempt to improve radically skills
formation or skills production within the historically inherited VET model.
This policy which intends, among others, giving employers greater influence
upon training has led to the creation of a new institutional framework which
is, in fact, parallel to the already
existing one. While the governance and funding of training has been organised
basically on a territorial basis, the new institutional framework is organised
on a sectoral basis. Taking the model of various other countries with more
separated VET systems and stronger business representation into account
(Raddon-Sung, 2006; Sung-Raddon-Ashton, 2006) the UK decided to create new sectoral institutions,
the Sectoral Skills Councils (SSCs -
see more about this below in the section about governance and decision making).
On the one hand, this has created greater complexity by adding a new sectoral
structure to the already existing territorial one as it duplicated the
administrative and governance structures. On the other, however, it made the
VET landscape more comprehensible for the various the branches of industry and
for companies belonging to these branches.
A similar duplication, creating more complex
but, at the same time (at least for the business sector), more readable
structures is being carried out in the network of training institutions. There
are a relatively high number of types of institutions providing VET in the UK
but traditionally the institutional sector that has played the most important
role has been the network of Further Education Colleges (FEC). This is a
multifunctional institutional network providing education and training to the
post 19 age group (including adults) but often also for the 16-19 age group.
The VET functions in these colleges have not been well separated from other,
general education functions and VET in most of these colleges has not been
specialised, that is, it has not had a clear sectoral focus. For employers this
has made it difficult to identify those providers which have specific sectoral
This arrangement has been by challenged various
programs aiming at creating new specialized training institutions with clearer
sectoral linkages and transforming
existing organisations into such institutions (see, for example, the programs
on Centres of Vocational Excellence and National Skills Academies). The White
Paper on FE colleges, published in 2006, formulated it clearly: “We will expect every FE provider to develop
one or more areas of specialist excellence, which will become central to the
mission and ethos of the institution and will drive improvement throughout it.”
(DfES, 2006). The emergence of a more specialized,
more sector-bound network of training institutions is adding a new element to
the already complicated VET landscape, increasing its complexity, but, at the
same times, it makes this network, or at least parts of it, more comprehensible
for industry, as the examples of a number of other countries prove it
(Otero-McCoshan, 2004).
A second particular factor that increases
complexity significantly is the intention to establish a link between the
skills needs of companies and their overall business strategy. The skills
policy in the UK has been strongly influenced by labour market research
demonstrating that the simple increase of the supply of skills does not
necessarily lead to increased productivity and competitiveness. Productivity
and competitiveness of companies increase only if they modify their business
strategy and, through this, they create a need for new skills (see for example:
Keep-Mayhew-Payne, 2006; Futureskills Scotland, 2007; Keep, 2008).
This is, in fact the acceptance of the fact that supplying skills in itself is
not enough to boost productivity and competitiveness but there is also a need
to alter the complex “ecosystem” in which skills are utilized in a given
competitive environment and technological context.
This is one of the reasons why the Train to Gain program which offers,
among others, a given type of business consultancy service to the companies
(carried out by “skills brokers”) has become the "flagship" of the
UK's skills strategy. This aspect is much stronger in the Welsh Workforce and Business Development Program,
which is the correspondent of Train to Gain in Wales, and which offers overall
human resource development consultancy service to companies with a relatively
larger pool of HRD advisers. Both the English skills brokers and the Welsh HRD
advisers start their activity in the visited companies with preparing an
overall organisational needs analysis
that not only maps all the skills needs of the company but also links this to
its business plan. We heard, for example, from a skills broker that he started
his work in a firm operating in the construction industry by analysing,
together with the managers, the already concluded contracts and used this to
define what specific skills needs the company will have in the future. Skills
brokers may help human resource managers to establish a "skills
matrix" that describes the specific skills needs of each employee in the
light of the business strategy of the company.
Linking skills needs with the business plans or
competitive strategies of particular firms and integrating this into training
policy change the fundamental characteristics of this policy. It is not enough
to look any more at the overall qualifications needs of industry or specific
sectors but there emerges a need to take the singularities of every company
into account. The creation of advisory services that create bridges between the
infinite complexity of the skills needs of particular companies, on the one
hand, and the much more standardised and regulated word of training providers,
on the other, seems to be a logical answer to this situation. As a related
analysis stated: “adopting a skill
ecosystem approach challenges and confronts policy makers dealing with
education and training issues with a level of complexity to which they are not
normally accustomed” (Payne, 2007). This approach challenges the simple and
direct relationship between economic performance and skills and tries to cope
with the complexity of these linkages. By creating the services of skills
brokers and HRD advisers the governments of England and Wales have established
a new interface between the complexity of business strategies of particular
firms, on the one hand, and the much simpler skills supply system represented
by training providers, on the other.
This shift of focus towards the business
strategies of companies increases complexity in various ways. For example it
creates a problem of how to distinguish between those companies where investing
into skills will really improve competitiveness and productivity and those
where this would probably not have such an impact. This has an impact on how to
define the appropriate target groups, that is, companies where the public
support for skills development should go in order to obtain the most efficient
use. This would require, for example, making a distinction between companies
that are on the way to improve their market position or to conquest new global
markets and those who do not have such intentions, and to direct public support
for skills development to the former group (Keep, 2008). It is clear that
traditional training administrations are not prepared to cope with such a complex
task and this necessitates the active involvement of new actors, such as
various business support and employer organisations in the implementation of
the skills policy.
A third factor that increases remarkably the
complexity of the VET landscape in the UK and contributes to the situation
being perceived as very unstable is the particular paradigm of introducing
changes and innovations into the system. Looking at the rapidity of changes it
is not surprising that the word “revolution”
appears quite often in official government documents.[2] The OECD review on adult education has already
stressed that „there is constant change
and development in policies related to adult learning, there is a constant
change and creation of institutions and bodies devoted to different tasks
within the lifelong learning arena. In fact, many of the institutions involved
in adult learning have been created quite recently” (OECD, 2005). A well
known academic expert of the area described this instability brought by
constant and rapid changes in a critical lecture this way: “...for the health warning for those of you who have never been inside
the LSS[3] before. It is a vast
and complex world which is restructured so frequently that it has become a
full-time job just to read about the latest turns and twists of policy, never
mind respond to them. [This is a] fascinating, turbulent, insecure but
desperately important world” (Coffield, 2007).
Beyond the rapidity and the frequency of
changes there is a further characteristic of the policy change pattern that
increases complexity significantly: the culture of introducing new elements
into the system so that the existing ones are left intact until the new ones
prove their viability. This is very apparent, for example, in one of the reform
components of the skills strategy: the introduction of a new secondary school
leaving examination and certification, the so called Diploma. The Diploma is a
qualification that will orientate the education of the 14-19 age-groups. According
to the related implementation plan (DfES, 2005a) “there will be 14 sets of specialised Diplomas, at three levels up to
advanced level, covering the occupational sectors of the economy”. Although
the original reform proposal (the Thomlinson report) suggested that “the existing system of qualifications taken
by 14-19 year olds should be replaced” by the new diploma (DfES, 2005b),
the final decision was that the new Diplomas will be offered parallel to the
existing qualifications (see DIUS, 2008). This approach is different from what
is followed in Wales where the new diplomas will be integrated into the system
of the unified Welsh Baccalaureate Qualification (DCELLS, 2008).
The rapidity and the particularly radical
character of the changes are also increasing the complexity of both the process
of policy formation and that of implementation. As policies are
intervening into areas that have not earlier been touched by public policies
policy-makers are permanently faced with problems they are not familiar with.
They often have to create new terms (e.g. “skills broker”) and they need data
in areas that have never been covered by systematic statistical data collection
(e.g. the skills profiles and business strategy indicators of companies). The
meaning of terms, even in cases when meanings have implications for financing
or for the assessment of the success of policy interventions may often change.
For example concrete policy targets or financial benefits have been linked with
the term of “hard to reach employers”, but the meaning of this term has often
been changed, reflecting divergent views and shifting policy priorities. “Hard
to reach employers” have to be defined differently, if the stress is on
supporting all SMEs with an equity orientation than in the case when the
question is how to find those companies that may have a good chance to conquest
high technology global market niches but lack the ambition to do so (Keep,
It is often only during the implementation
process that policy-makers realise that certain solutions that seemed simple
and logical during the period of designing policies lead to unexpected
difficulties. For example when the mediation between companies and training
providers was made compulsory in the Train to Gain program, it happened that
some training providers and companies agreed without a broker then they
together tried to find a broker to sign their agreement in order to gain access
to funding (Keep, 2008). We think these errors and uncertainties are
unavoidable if policies are intervening into areas hitherto not touched by
public policies and when progress can be achieved only through policy
experimentation. Designing and implementing policies in such situations require
strong leadership, high level intelligence and high level problem-solving
capacity from policy-makers.
The emerging new regulatory environment of the
skills policy, as already stressed, allows the expression and assertion of
employer needs in different ways and at different levels. It seems to be
recognised that only the creation of various parallel ways and levels and their
simultaneous operation can assure the effective expression and assertion of the
high variety of skills needs of employers. This can be interpreted simply as
processes increasing complexity but, it can also be described as the creation
of mechanisms that improve the manageability of higher level complexity. In
this respect the UK follows more or less the same line as, for example,
Australia, where there seems to be an emerging consensus, both in the research
and the policy community on the need for new coordination and regulatory or
governance mechanisms (“coordinated flexibility”)
that allow higher level flexibility while preserving social control (Buchanan,
Letting employers play a key role at various
levels and letting them enter various domains of VET policy makes it possible
for various employer interests and demands to be expressed and asserted
simultaneously. The domains where we can observe this happening, at various
depth and intensity, are the following:
Although the level of employer involvement and
influence is very different in these domains, all of them open particular
channels for employers to determine key processes in the VET area. Employer
engagement is being enhanced in all of these domains, and the way employers use
these different channels to influence VET processes continuously create higher
level of complexity. Complex systems of mechanisms have emerged within all
these five domains that allow complexity to grow further, but there are also
possibilities to reduce complexity without altering the basic characteristics
of the system. It is important to look at the key features in all of these
domains, and at the possible ways for and limits to complexity-reduction.
As the result of the developments of the last
few years the landscape of skills policy, skills delivery and skills
utilisation has become populated by an increasing number of players. The number
of involved actors and agencies with various roles and acting at various levels
is, as already stressed, very high and this makes it difficult to comprehend
the VET landscape even for those within the system (see 1. Figure). As a
report prepared by the National Audit Office in 2005 on the employers’
perspectives on improving skills for employment stressed: “some employers are confused by the range of information, bodies and
training promotional material available”. It is not surprising that this
report came to a conclusion, with two of its four points stressing this, that employers
demand significant simplification. As it stressed: employers wanted a “simple ways of getting advice on the best skills training for their staff”,
and they wanted to “influence skills training without getting weighed down by
bureaucracy” (National Audit Office, 2005). The high level of complexity was stressed as a
major challenge already in key strategy documents of the government (DfES,
2006; DIUS, 2007) and, later on, complaints on this appeared in many public
documents and publications. In 2009, for example, a report of the parliamentary
committee dealing with skills affairs stated this: “We heard pleas from
practitioners for simplification. Colourful phrases were used about how
training and skills provision looks to those who come into contact with it: ‘a
pig’s ear or a dog’s breakfast’, ‘a very complex duplicating mess’,
‘almost incomprehensible’, ‘astonishing complexity and perpetual change’. One
witness told us that ‘I do not think there is an employer in the land who
understands what the elements of the new system are, particularly pre-19’” (House of Commons, 2009a).
1. Figure
post-compulsory sector in England, 2006/2007
Source: Coffield et al.,
The complexity of the system has been increased
significantly by the fact that, as already stressed, there are two parallel
channels to assert employer interests as both individual and collective needs
are recognised. Employers as owners or managers of individual companies can
express their specific skills needs through the Train to Gain program, the
flagship program of the English skills strategy or through the Workforce and
Business Development Program in Wales. These programs allow employers to define
and to formulate their firm-specific skills needs with the help of skills brokers (in England) or HRD advisers (in Wales) which are
services paid from public funds. Skills brokers and HRD advisers mediate
between particular employers and training providers and help employers to find
the specific training package they need. Larger employers may have access, with
the mediation of skills brokers or HRD advisers, to tailor-made training
programmes organised by training providers on their company base.
The mediation service, between employers as
“purchasers of skills” and training providers as “sellers”, provided by skills
brokers is one of those mechanisms that aim at coping with market complexity.
Skills brokers act as an interface between the word of work (companies) and the
word of education (training institutions). In this role they are confronted
directly with the complexities of these two different words and with, as it was
stressed by one of our interviewees, the huge cultural differences separating
these worlds. A study prepared by the relevant state agency (giving a positive
overall evaluation of the skills brokerage service) in 2007 stressed however
that “skills brokers work with
insufficient information to successfully match the strengths of particular training
providers to the needs of a particular employer or group of learners [...].
Many do not know enough about the skills needs of workers in particular sectors
or about specific training courses or qualifications which could meet these
needs. Qualifications and training courses are proposed based on very little
information about learners’ needs. Skills brokers give training providers too
little information on which to base meaningful training proposals that reflect
the needs of different groups of staff” (Adult Learning Inspectorate,
Parallel to the market-type mechanisms
employers also have the opportunity to express and assert their skills needs
collectively through the 25 Sector Skills
Councils (SSC). The creation of SSCs has duplicated the national network of
agencies responsible for the implementation of the skills policy. They operate
parallel with the network of those regional agencies, the regionally based Learning and Skills Councils (LSC),
which are responsible for steering and funding the institutional network that
has the strongest role in providing vocational training in the UK, that is, the
Further Education colleges. These two lines are complemented by a third one,
composed by agencies responsible for regional social and economic development (Regional Development Agencies - RDA).
The parallel regional and sectoral governance structures (the first for the
supply side and the second for the demand side) make the governance of the UK
VET system particularly complicated but, at the same time this allows a dynamic
interaction between the supply and the demand sides. SSCs have an increasing
role in all levels of VET policy, and they became key players at various
Although there might be overlaps between the
jurisdictions of these three lines of actions and related agencies each of them
have their well defined functions that justify their separated existence. This
creates a complex environment for policy formation and implementation and for
the daily operational running of the skills system, including policies aiming
at improving employer engagement. One of the ways to assure better coordination
and coherence between these subsystems is to give a key strategic leadership
role to a national board or agency that overlooks the totality of skills policy
and acts as the most important background for government decisions. This type
of role has been given to the UK Commission for Employment and Skills which has
a key role in driving and shaping the skills and employment system to meet the
needs of employers. While this Commission is connected to the sectoral line, it
also acts as the main advisory body of the government in the whole area of
skills policy.
Employers are complaining not only about the
complicatedness of the system of skills policy and skills delivery but also
about being weighed down by
bureaucracy. Bureaucratic procedures are strengthened first of all by the fact
that the use of public money by private companies makes strong public control
necessary. This is exacerbated by the high level “risk awareness” of those
designing and implementing programs in the relatively new field of skills
policies, where most of the mechanisms and institutions are new and the
procedures have not yet been stabilised. Our interviewees reported about the
fear from public scandals as the public and the media is vigilantly
scrutinising the use of public resources in the profit-oriented business
sector. This leads to over-insurance in the form of strict eligibility control,
high number of detailed standards and control of compliance to these standards,
and tough accounting procedures.
The scope
to reduce the complicatedness of the policy and delivery landscape seems to be
rather limited. In fact all the agencies and actors that emerged during the
past few years seem to have their functional place in the complex “skills
policy ecosystem”, none of them seems to be superfluous. One possibility to
help employers to find their way in this complicated word is to improve client
services and to make the operation of public bodies more client-friendly,
following the practice of “no wrong door”,
that is enabling employers to get the appropriate advice, or service at
whichever public organisation they approach. All public bodies have to accept,
as a departure point, that employers, particularly SMEs, want “a quick and obvious route to obtain good
advice and clear jargon-free information, require clear signposting because
they can be deterred by having many options” (National Audit Office, 2005).
As for easing bureaucratic burdens, a promising way could be what we saw in
Wales where there is a commitment to increase the discretion the employers in
using public resources if they meet certain standards.
Not only
governance and decision making but also funding becomes more complex in the
increasingly employer controlled and demand-led system. Some of the key factors
that contribute to growing complexity in the employer controlled and demand-led
VET system of the United Kingdom, particularly in England, are as follows:
resources are redeployed so that they come
under the control of various users,
services are increasingly tailored to specific
user needs,
public and private resources are combined,
employers use both individual market-type and
collective mechanisms to influence funding and
funding is increasingly used as an instrument of system-steering by public
As the
growing complexity of funding can also become a major obstacle to the further
development of employer engagement the possibilities of making things simpler
and more transparent in this area is a major concern in the shaping and the
implementation of the skills policy of the United Kingdom. This requires a
serious analysis of the causes of high complexity and complicatedness and,
particularly, the careful distinction of those factors that are directly
related with the strategic goals (building a demand-led system with strong
employer influence) and cannot be changed without giving up the goals and those
that can be altered within the current strategic framework.
One of
the evident causes of high level complexity in funding is related with the key
dilemma of voluntarism and the
acceptance of sectoral differences.
As the government is reluctant, for various historical reasons (see for example
2000; Coffield, 2002; Stanton Bailey, 2004; Gleeson-Keep, 2004) to introduce compulsory training
levies that would follow similar standards in every sector and as it allows the
different sectors to reach their own particular agreement and to proceed at
different paces, the complexity of the funding system is unavoidably growing.
Some sectors are much more willing to contribute to training than others; some
of them are already contributing while others do not. This prevents the
establishment of a clear and standard financing mechanism that other countries,
which do not follow the principle of voluntarism, can establish more easily.
complexity in funding is being dramatically increased by the current
redeployment of resources so that an increasing part of them comes under the
control of users (individuals and companies) instead of remaining under the
control of the providers. The creation and the use of individual “skills
accounts” and the English Train to Gain program are those mechanisms that allow
funding to be controlled by individual and corporate users. According to the
document presenting the implementation strategy of the government the resources
to be used in the employer controlled Train to Gain scheme will increase from £440 million
to £1.3 billion between 2007/08 and 2010/11 (DIUS, 2007). However, as monies do not go directly and
physically to the users but remain with the relevant accountable public
agencies, complicated mechanisms have to be operated that allow both users to
decide on what they spend the money on and the public authorities to control
whether spending meets the relevant eligibility criteria.
mechanism is further complicated by the fact that in an increasing number of
cases public and private financing are combined, that is some parts of a
“training-package” bought by an employer can be paid from the budget of the
company while other parts from the public purse. The public-private combination
appears also on the supply side as in many cases the “training-packages” are
offered by consortia of training providers which may consist of both public and
private institutions (one of them being the main contractor and the others
being subcontractors). Those “training-packages” that companies mount with the
help of the skills broker in the framework of the Train to Gain program are
increasingly tailor-made, based on the specific skills needs of particular
companies. The funding resources of such “training-packages” may also be
various, as in many cases the costs of such packages are covered from various
public and private, domestic and European, national and local, sector specific
and sector independent sources. Among the sources, monies coming from regional
or community development funds also occupy a significant place. One of the most
important tasks of the skills brokers in England is to find all the various
resources that can be used in accordance with the specific skills requirements
of companies and with the specific eligibility requirements of the providers of
resources. The complex landscape of resource providers is illustrated by 2. Figure.
2. Figure
simplified scheme of funding for employee training in England (2005)
Source: National Audit Office,
A further
factor that increases the complexity of the VET funding system in the UK is the
fact that funding is used regularly as one of the most important policy
instruments for strategic steering in the decentralised, demand-led context.
This is one of those mechanisms that are used, as it was formulated by one of
the leading personalities of the skills policy implementation process, by
policy makers to “interact with the
system”. The various actors within the system (particularly employers,
learning individuals and training providers) are supposed to follow (with the
help of the providers of support services) the changes in the availability of
resources, in funding priorities or in eligibility criteria and to adapt their
behaviour to these changes. For example, in the period of our inquiry, in
accordance with the formal strategy of the government (DIUS, 2007) public funds in the Train to Gain program could be used – with some
exceptions – only for trainings leading to lower (NVQ2) level qualifications.
Using funding to alter the behaviour of users (encouraging individuals
and companies to invest into learning) increases significantly the complexity
of funding mechanisms, as well as the task of those who “play” on these mechanisms. A well identified challenge, often mentioned in relevant publications
(and also by several of our interviewees), is that that this way of using
funding as a policy tool unavoidable increases the probability of rewarding
private actors with public resources for actions that they would have done
anyway (deadweight). This makes it
necessary the permanent collection of good quality data that permit the
analysis of the behaviour of various actors almost in “real time” and also the
difficult persuasion of the public that up to a certain level this type of
“wastage” of public resources is justifiable. Since this makes funding very
vulnerable to public criticism, public authorities feel obliged to operate
excessive control through highly bureaucratic accounting and regulation.
the complexity of funding is being increased also by its linkages with the
system of qualifications and the ongoing reform of this system (see more about
this in the section on qualifications below). If funding is linked with
qualifications, which is the case in the UK, similarly with other VET systems,
the complexity of the qualifications system unavoidably increases the
complexity of the funding system, as well. As qualifications are broken into
smaller units (credits, modules), it becomes possible to link funding with
these smaller units. This is, in fact, a deliberate goal of the current reform.
As some of our interviewees stressed, one of the ways to increase employer
engagement is to allow employers to “buy” only smaller units (credits, modules)
instead of whole qualifications. Employer organisations (the SSCs) when they
evaluate and approve qualifications, they evaluate and approve also smaller
units (credits or modules) within the qualifications. They can allocate various
credit-values to specific modules within qualifications and they can change
these values according to the labour market relevance they attribute to these
specific modules. The complexity created by this can be further increased if
the government follows the principle of giving more public support to trainings
that lead to full qualifications and less to those that lead only to partial
ones or offer only modules, as this could require quite complicated mechanisms
of credit calculation.
Since the
increasing complicatedness of funding mechanisms and the bureaucratic
mechanisms that accompany the development of them appear as one of the main
obstacles for enhancing employer engagement the goals of simplifying and
de-bureaucratising the mechanisms of funding became salient. This has to be
achieved, however, so that it does not impede the achievement of the main
strategic goals of the skills policy. One possible way to do this is to
strengthen the role of the leading institutions of training provider consortia
in coordinating and reporting, so that the employers do not have to care about
what kind of resources are used to finance the training package they receive.
Another possible way is to increase the discretion of at least certain
categories of users on how they use the resources they dispose of. This
possibility, which is, as already mentioned, envisaged in Wales, could be
offered for those who meet certain standards, for example they are the holders
of the Investors in People[4] award.
The third domain where employers are encouraged
to and can in fact have a stronger influence on training and training provision
is standard-setting, quality assurance, accreditation and evaluation. This
allows employers to influence rather directly the operation of training
provider institutions. Through influencing the formulation of operational
standards and the operation of existing quality assurance, accreditation and
evaluation mechanisms or through initiating new ones they can partly determine
the way providers operate and they can influence the content of their training
products. A large part of this influence is exercised in the area of
qualifications (see next section for this) but this can focus also on the
operation and the organisation of training institutions. This is a good example
of how decreasing complexity for one actor may lead to higher complexity for
another. Having access to relevant and simple information about the quality of
providers (which are based on detailed standards and rigorous evaluation of
whether they comply with these standards) makes things simpler for employers
but may put extra burdens on providers.
The Government’s White Paper on Further
Education which was the basis of the new Further Education and Training Act
adopted by the Parliament in 2007 stressed not only in general the need to
strengthen quality assurance in training institutions but also that of linking
this better with the priorities of skills policy, including a better focus on
employer needs. The White Paper stressed that quality assurance should serve
the interest of the users (both employers and individual learners) and warned
against quality assurance leading to too much administrative burden and
enhancement of employer engagement by training providers has been supported be
relevant state agency (Learning and Skills Development Agency - LSDA) for
several years. It published, for instance, guidelines for colleges and other
training providers on effective employer engagement as early as in 2003 and it
also conducted research on the impact of this on the internal management and
operation of colleges (Hughes, 2003; 2004). Setting standards for the
evaluation of how training providers (colleges) enhance employer engagement
made it necessary to define clearly what employer engagement means and also to
define performance indicators in this area. The LSDA research on how colleges
applied the employer engagement guidelines listed and measured 23 types of
employer engagement enhancing activities (such, for example, as setting a
strategic goal of increasing the number of employer clients, increasing
employer satisfaction or increase revenues coming directly from employers), and
provided data on the frequency of these activities within colleges (Hughes,
2004). This has, unavoidably, increased the complexity of the evaluation or
quality assurance processes and has led some growth of administrative burdens.
founding agency of further education colleges (LSC) has offered a standard
quality assessment framework based on three key areas: responsiveness,
effectiveness and finance. One of the performance indicator groups under the
area of responsiveness was responsiveness
to employers, which contained two specific performance indicators: employer
satisfaction and resources coming from employers (LSC, 2008). In addition to
this, a new further standard has been developed (with the active involvement of
employer organisations) which focuses exclusively on one single aspect: how
training providers satisfy employer client needs. As the relevant documents
formulate: “the New Standard is an
assessment framework and an assessment and accreditation process which has been
designed to recognise and celebrate the best organisations delivering training
and development solutions to employers” (LSC, 2007). By February 2008 there
were 27 training providers (most of them further education colleges) accredited
on the basis of the New Standard.[6] The creation of a specific standard for the
assessment of “employer friendliness” and a special accreditation process based
on these standards has certainly reduced complexity for the employer side as
companies searching for training can use the “New Standards” brand name as a
guarantee for good quality services. From the perspectives of colleges,
however, this new alternative form of accreditation has unavoidably created
ambiguity as it has, in a sense, duplicated quality assurance processes.
about duplication and administrative burdens have been expressed, not
surprisingly, by the university sector which is also increasingly affected by
the challenge of supporting employer engagement. A position paper of the UK
association of universities (Universities UK) published in 2007 mentioned, for
example, several examples of “kite-marking” and endorsement schemes through
which SSCs are attesting the sectoral relevance and quality of various
vocationally oriented courses or certificates. According to this document
universities are faced with the following related challenges:
As we
stressed the impact of introducing standards with the control of compliance
with them can both increase and decrease complexity. We identified one way of
using them to decrease complexity in Wales where, as mentioned, there is an
intention to simplify accounting and lessen administrative burdens on employers
through giving more discretion to employers in spending public money if they
meet certain standards. This is directly related with the intention of linking
skills development more strongly with the business strategy of companies. The
idea is that if companies have a coherent and advanced human development policy
embedded into their overall business strategy (which can be tested, for
example, through their meeting the Investors in People standards), and this is
publicly recognised, they can use public money for skills development with more
flexible eligibility criteria and without excessive reporting. This approach
can certainly reduce administrative burdens on the side of meeting eligibility
criteria and reporting, although at the price of paying the costs of complying
with standards and accepting external assessment.
The qualifications system seems to be the most
important domain where employer engagement is enhanced and where increased
complexity is perhaps the most apparent. This is where many of the bridges
between the complex world of company level skills needs and the much simpler
word of training supply have to be built. The mechanisms developed here are
particularly complicated but most of these complicated mechanisms seem to be
necessary for the effective management of increased complexity.
There has emerged two parallel ways for
employers to influence qualifications. One, very recent, is the individual way, and the other is the collective one. Individually employers
have obtained the right to create their own qualifications and to make this
accepted by the qualification regulatory authority of the state (QCA), through
the so called “employer recognition scheme”. This is a radically new arrangement,
and the number of these types of "private qualifications" is still rather
low. In February 2008, a few weeks after the pilot scheme was launched, there
were, 3 such recognised company based qualifications: (1) the “Airline Trainer”
program of the air company Flybe, (2) the “Basic Shift Managers” program of McDonalds
and (3) the “Track Engineering” program of Network Rail.[7] A public authority, the Ministry of Defence has also received
the right to awarding recognised qualifications for three programs (“Heavy
Weapons”, “Carpentry and Joinery” and “Survival Equipment”[8]). In addition companies can acquire the right
to award publicly recognised qualifications through partnership with existing
awarding bodies (e.g. FE colleges or universities). In February 2008 there were
30 companies involved in joint awarding boards.[9]
The collective way of influencing
qualifications for employers is created through the SSCs. Within this channel
there are several complementary instruments, all of them having their own function. First SSCs are responsible for establishing a
strategy based on sectoral analysis about future sectoral skills needs and
skills gaps (Sector Qualifications
Strategies - SQS). It is on the basis of this that they define priorities
for certain qualifications or make it clear which qualifications are not needed
any more. Second, they negotiate this strategy with the most important
partners, those representing funding agencies and providers and agree with them
on the common realisation of their strategy. This negotiated agreement appears
in the so called Sector Skills Agreements
(SSAs). Third, they elaborate and regularly update a detailed qualitative description
of their specific skills needs in a document called National Occupations Standard (NOS). This document gives a precise
description of the skills (competencies, knowledge, attitudes etc) needed in
the typical occupations of the given sector. The NOS expresses the qualitative
skills needs of the sector and they constitute a basis for assessing existing
or new qualifications owned or proposed by the qualification awarding bodies
(e.g. training institutions). As mentioned above, SSCs will have the right to
approve or reject qualifications to be included into the National Qualifications Framework or to be selected for public
funding on the basis of how their content fits their NOS.
This collective system of managing
qualifications creates a kind of “double loop interface” between, the word of
skills needed at company level, on the one hand, and the word of training
supply, on the other, and it allows the control of higher level complexity. NOS
is one of the loops that is closer to the complex world of skills needed by
companies while the qualifications themselves constitute the other loop closer
to the world of education and training. In this system employers can assure
that they get the specific skills (and not qualifications) and education and
training providers (or qualification awarding bodies) can still be sure that
they can produce whole qualifications. This double loop interface between the
world of work and the world of training is operating under the strategic
control of employers who exercise this control in accordance with their
agreements with the key partners.
This already quite complicated system is being
made even more complex (and also more flexible) by the introduction of what is
sometimes called "unitisation" that is the credit or module system.
The National Qualifications Framework is being transformed, in England, into a
Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF), which will break down qualifications
into smaller pieces of learning units, which will allow people to accumulate
credits as they learn over time. One of the aims of this change is to give
qualifications simpler titles, “to avoid
confusion and overlapping names”.[10] Transforming the National
Qualifications Framework into a Qualifications and Credit Framework allows the
reduction of complexity at the level of the “brand names” (qualifications) at
the price of creating a second level, that of credits, which allows the control
of higher level complexity.[11] A credit and qualifications framework has
already been developed in Wales and Scotland.
As the UK is transforming its education and
training system towards a more demand-led and more employer-controlled system
and experiments with radically new solutions the needs for feedback information
about the impact of these changes is increasing exponentially. The growing role
of various actors acting as clients or pressure groups (companies, individuals,
employer organisations, new agencies etc.) which act autonomously and interact
with each other makes the evolution of the system less calculable and increases
uncertainties. The steering of this type of system demands much more fresh
information about various processes than the steering of a system where
processes are controlled by suppliers.
It is not surprising that while the number of
ad hoc and regular surveys that monitor changes in various domains (e.g.
employees, employers, programs, institutions etc.) is particularly high, the
need for further information seems to be never satisfied. One can see, on the
one hand, the extreme richness of evidences produced by various research and
monitoring programs, and, on the other hand, the ever increasing needs for
further evidences. It is quite probable that the need for new evidences will
increase further in the future. For example, as skills policy is increasingly
linked with the specific needs of particular sectors, there appears more and
more need for sector specific information. A further growth in information
needs may appear with the process of linking skills development and utilisation
with the specific business strategies of companies. If, for example, companies
with different business strategies express different skills needs, and these
needs are to be satisfied in a differentiated way some information on company
specific business strategies will be needed. This is well illustrated by the
discussion on how to define the group of “hard to reach” employers. If this
group may be defined (more in Wales than in England) as “firms that might be most likely to grow in size or where the
organisation showed an interest in trying to move its product market strategy
upwards, towards higher quality goods and services” (Keep, 2008), the type
of information needed to identify who belongs to the group and who does not
becomes much more complex than when this is defined according, for example, to
training practices or resources spent on training.
As has been stressed from the beginning of this
article, complexity, uncertainty and instability are naturally increasing in
any VET system that tries to be open to meet the rapidly changing skills demands
of companies competing in constantly changing markets. The challenge that he
VET system of the UK has been facing, under the social and political pressures
to reduce complexity, is how to achieve this without reducing responsiveness
and flexibility. In 2008, on the request of the government, as already referred
to, UKCES prepared a detailed analysis on the sources of high level complexity and
instability and proposed some specific policy measures for coping with it (UKCES,
2008). The report made it clear that there were many, very different and often
contradictory motives behind the complaints of employers about complexity and it
also made it clear that the possibilities of simplifying were limited. Similarly,
the government, when responding to the requests of the parliamentary committee
responsible for skills affairs, made it clear that reducing the complexity and
the instability of the VET landscape was not only difficult but it was not
always desirable. “We recognise the Committee’s call for a period of relative
stability” – said the Government in its answer. „But we need to balance the
benefits such stability would bring – in terms of employers getting involved in
skills and training their staff – with the reality of a rapidly changing
world”, making reference to the radical changes in the environment following
the economic crisis (House of Commons, 2009b).
The response of the Government and UKCES to the
request of reducing complexity and uncertainty was a sophisticated mixture of
action and non-action. A decision was taken not
to introduce new “disconnected activities”, not to request further reporting, not to establish new “brand names” for programs and not to create new agencies “beyond those
already announced” and to allow employers to do what they were doing in one
contractual framework instead of several. None of these decisions was removing
any of the key elements of the operating system. Beyond this, the launching a
number of positive actions has also been decided. On the top of the list of
these actions figured the creation of a new computerised information system,
with an attractive public internet portal, that allowed employers to have
access, through one single entry, to all skills-related services. This system,
called TalentMap[12], supported by several business
associations and government agencies and operated by UKCES has opened entries
for employers into five key skills-related areas: (1) staff development, (2)
recruitment of new staff with relevant skills, (3) improving business
performance through skills based innovations, (4) cooperating with schools and
other training providers and (5) participating in collective activities to
shape the skills system (e.g. influencing the definition of occupational
standards through the Sector Skills Councils). The title of the report assessing
the measures taken, published in 2009, was “hiding
the wiring”, making it clear that what happened was less policy-reshaping and
more improving communication and making things more understandable (UKCES,
Making things more manageable without altering
them substantially was in accordance with the original program of UKCES for
simplification. However, this program proposed also a second phase of
simplifying which was to be launched following a longer consultation process.
The original intention in this second phase was to also allow „rewiring the circuit board” (UKCES,
2008), that is introducing more substantial changes. One of these might be the gradual
elimination of a key source of complexity: the historical separation between vocational
and higher education. The idea of merging the public funding agencies of these
two sectors, for example, has been proposed several times by some key actors,
and this was also discussed in the already quoted report of the Parliamentary
Committee dealing with skills affairs. As the report formulated „there is a
significant discrepancy between the funding available to HE and that available
to FE. Some have argued that this difference has to be addressed if the two
sectors are to work together more effectively.” The Parliamentary Committee
took, however, a very cautious stand on this particularly contentious issue:
“We conclude that this is an idea whose hour has not yet come but one which
should not be dismissed as without merit” (House of Commons, 2009a)
The report of OECD on the VET policy in England
and Wales rightly stressed that VET policies in the UK are “more complex than
in most other OECD countries” and the landscape is not only complex but „also
volatile” (OECD, 2009). It is logical that the report, in accordance with the
need expressed by almost all players of the VET scene in the UK, recommended
that „institutions of the VET system should be simplified and stabilised”. “Hiding
the wiring”, stressed the report, „is useful to an extent but it is limited”. It
supported UKCES in its intention to prepare, following the closure public
consultations, a further report which might envisage „more radical changes”.
The key message of this article is that (1)
increasing complexity and high level instability are among those factors that
may seriously impede employer engagement but (2) complexity and instability are
caused mainly by the rapid changes and they are strongly linked with the basic
strategic goals of the skills policy of the UK (that is with linking skills
development with the rapidly changing skills needs of competitive industrial
sectors). This means that the necessary efforts to reduce complexity and
increase stability have to be made in a cautions way, so that they do not make
harm to the achievement of the basic strategic goals. It has also been stressed,
that in a changing and turbulent environment reducing complexity and increasing
stability from the perspective of one partner can be achieved often only at the
price of creating higher level complexity and instability for another.
There are, however, many possibilities for
reducing complexity and increasing stability even in the current changing and
turbulent environment through, mainly, increasing communication, making the
complicated new procedures and institutional arrangements even more
transparent, and particularly through trust-building that allows further
discretion, more flexibility and less bureaucracy. But, in many cases the
solution will probably remain “hiding the
wires”. That is showing to employers and other actors only those elements
of the complicated arrangements that are indispensable for their particular
action and keep all the others “under the cover”, uncovering them only when
there is a particular need for this (when, for example something does not work
and some procedures or institutional arrangements have to be fixed).
What we see when observing the VET policy
landscape of the United Kingdom seems to reflect two broader trends. One is the
emergence of advanced systems of lifelong learning with blurring boundaries between
the world of formal education and that of job-related learning and with new
mediation mechanisms. The other is the unstoppable trend of growing social
complexity that characterise all social systems, and which makes it necessary
for public policies to invent innovative new forms of steering and regulating.
The case of the VET (or skills) policy of the UK is a good example of how public
policy can learn now ways of coping with high level complexity and uncertainty.
Although all important players of the VET policy scene of the UK are expressing
worries and complaints because of the high level of complexity and uncertainty and
they are urging measures to reduce it, what is really interesting in this scene
is not these worries and complaints, neither the immediate policy reactions to
them, but the emergence of new innovative
mechanisms which, as shown particularly in the chapter on “domains of
complexity” are creating an emerging new potential to cope with complexity and
uncertainty. This is close to what Robert Geyer, a researcher on politics,
complexity and policy called a few years ago in one of his articles about
„third way” politics the „non-linear
paradigm” (Geyer, 2003). This type of public policy, that he positioned
between what he called the linear
(order) and the alinear (disorder) paradigms,
might offer significant competitive advantage to those countries which are able
to maintain relatively high level of complexity in specific policy areas
without losing control.
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[1] The original version of is article was written as
the contribution of the author to the OECD VET thematic review in the UK. A field
visit, which is the basis of the analysis presented here, was conducted in
February 2008, and the report (OECD, 2009) was published one year later. I wish
to thank all the people we met during the field visit and particularly the members
of the OECD review team for the inspiring dialogues that influenced directly this
[2] For example, the document presenting the governments action plan for the implementation of the Leitch
Report (DIUS, 2007) speaks about “skills revolution”, and states that “this
document explains how the Government will provide the right supporting
framework to act as the catalyst for this skills ‘revolution”.
[3] LSS = Learning and Skills Sector
[4] The Investors in People (IiP) is a voluntary assessment scheme, in which companies are assessed against a number of indicators measuring the commitment of the company to learning and human development. If external assessors give a positive evaluation companies can be is awarded the Investors in People status. In September 2007 there were nearly 35 000 organisations accredited under IiP, and these organisations employed approximately 6.7 million of the UK workforce (http://www.investorsinpeople.co.uk).
[5] „Clearer performance information will assist providers in their own quality assurance activities, facilitate the new selective approach to inspection and intervention, and help to assess value for money. The extensive information already available to learners and employers needs to be clearer and more accessible. The primary performance indicators need to be aligned with our reforms and allow straightforward and meaningful comparisons. At the same time, we need to reduce significantly the bureaucracy involved in the current arrangements across partner organisations for data collection, analysis, publication and use” (DfES, 2006).
[6] Information from the “New Standard” website (http://www.newstandard.co.uk)
[7] See detailed information on the website of QCA (http://www.qca.org.uk/qca_15669.aspx; 28 Jan 2008). Case studies of companies developing accredited qualifications can be found at the website of QCDA (http://www.qcda.gov.uk/19841.aspx; 29 January 2009).
[8] See detailed information on the website of QCA (http://www.qca.org.uk/qca_15651.aspx; 23 Jan 2008).
[9] The complete list of qualification awarding bodies can be found in the National Database of Accredited Qualifications (http://www.accreditedqualifications.org.uk/awarding-body/awarding+body+directory.seo.aspx) which contained, in February 2010, 152 organizations including several companies.
[10] See QCA website (http://www.qca.org.uk/qca_14937.aspx).
It is worth mentioning that
the development of the national qualification system made it necessary to
create a new regulatory agency, the Office
of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulator (OFQUAL).
[12] See the portal here: http://www.talentmap.ukces.org.uk/UKTalentMap/home.do