Ø Fazekas Ágnes - Halász Gábor: The emergence and
diffusion of local innovations and their systemic impact in the education
sector. Research proposal (Az intézményi szintű innovációk szerepe
az oktatási rendszerek fejlődésében). Research
concept. Manuscript. 2015. Budapest (download from here)
Ø Halász Gábor: School-university partnership for
effective teacher learning. Issues Paper for the
seminar co-hosted by ELTE Doctoral School of Education and Miskolc-Hejőkeresztúr KIP Regional Methodological Centre. May 13,
2016 (download from here)
Ø Helena Kovacs: STEP. The Stanford Teacher Education
Programme. Manuscript.2016, Budapest (download from here)
Ø International case study collection – the outline of
analysis. Manuscript. 2016 (download from here)
Ø The Analytical framework of the Innova survey. Manuscript. 2016. Budapest (download from
Ø The Innova questionnaire – 1st Round.
Manuscript. 2016. Budapest (download from
Ø Innova questionnaire – 2nd Round. Organisational
Manuscript. 2018. Budapest
Ø Innova questionnaire – 2nd Round. Individual Manuscript.
2018. Budapest
Ø Illustrative graphs (2017, Budapest)
(download from here)
Full list of
available documents